What Is A Spiritual Awakening And What Was Mine?

(I take no credit for this image)

First off, I’d like to welcome you to my blog! I hope you leave this page with hope in your heart, a new perspective on your life, and the will to rise above your troubles.

Here I’d like to discuss spiritual awakenings: what exactly they entail, how much they can differ, their symptoms and stages and end results, and to help you understand in depth, share all parts of mine.

But first off, what is a spiritual awakening?

In my opinion, a spiritual awakening happens when you make a deep inner realisation of exactly what and who you are in comparison to the world and the higher power you believe in. Spiritual awakenings happen in all religions, and have several origins. For the sake of being impartial when I explain this, I will try to keep my own religious beliefs out of this and specifically focus on the awakening itself.

First off, spiritual awakenings can differ in so many ways. They can last a week, a month, a year, a decade, a lifetime. It just depends on the person. Though no matter how long it differs, the symptoms always stay the same. As you go through the stages, you will experiences some to all of these and possibly more specific to yourself:

1. Emotional imbalance, moodiness, and minuscule changes in all parts of your life.

2. Impartial to situations that used to bother you, or the opposite where you’re overly sensitive to situations you didn’t use to care for.

3. An increased thirst in curiousity in more than one aspect of your life.

4. Becoming distant or close to people you otherwise wouldn’t be.

5. A feeling of inadequacy

These symptoms ultimately stem from your inner change that is happening. Like a butterfly in its cocoon stage, or a fetus in pregnancy, these symptoms are just reflections that something is going on inside.

If you are moody, it is your lack of certainty on whether you should respond to things the way you have been. The tiny changes you make are to help you feel more “balanced” or sure you’re doing the right thing for your own personal lifestyle.

If you find yourself impartial or too partial to things you think you shouldn’t, the change is fastening. You’re realizing these are the things you want or don’t want in your life and you’re subconsciously cutting or bringing them into your life.

The more you wonder, the more you ponder, the more you lay awake at night thinking about such abstract things, the more your thirst for knowledge increases about what your looking for. That thirst is probably what lead you here. What leads you to search out what you’re feeling more, or things that simply fascinate or confuse you. It drives you toward more concrete changes.

Like the situations I mentioned before, if you’re pushing or pulling people, you’re choosing who is better suited for your lifestyle that you’re trying to achieve.

Finally, if you feel inadequate, but not to the people around you, but yourself-you’ve realized it all. You know what you want to be. What you want to follow. It is at this time you consciously make the change.

How you feel about the awakening is what classifies the stage of awakening you are in. While some have one symptom, another may have two or another. And before you finally finish you may repeat some of these stages over and over again. Here is the list of stages:

Stage 1: Unhappiness and Emptiness

Stage 2: Perception shifts

Stage 3: Seeking answers and meaning

Stage 4: Finding answers and experiencing breakthroughs

Stage 5: Disillusionment and feeling lost

Stage 6: Deeper Inner Work

Stage 7: Integration, Expansion, Joy

Now for an actual example of a spiritual awakening.

When I very first started, interestingly enough I was 5 years old. It is my first memory, and the only memory I will never forget. I was alone in a room with a giant mirror and I looked at it. I saw myself, but I felt as if I saw something more. As if I was something more than just what I looked. And for the first time I asked myself “who am I?”

Multiple times after this I would ponder while I stared into space what was the human race. What were we in a grander picture, and every time I pondered this I saw everything around me in a glaze and I felt there was something more, something I wasn’t grasping. It would always scare me, so I’d try my best not to think of it-until the next time of course. This continued until I was 12. At 12 I experienced all I knew kind of crash, and I was left to my own devices 24/7-meaning I had all the time in the world to think. To research. And that’s what I started to do. What made me curious though was a dream-a dream that made me question whether darkness was evil and light was good, and whether our reactions and thoughts toward them were rational, and what the human nature truly was comprised of. (Some deep stuff for a 12 year old am I right?) So in light of the dream I began researching folklore and religion all over the world to find my answers. Naturally as I discovered the answers and began experiencing life differently I lost all faith in humanity. However the more I interacted with people the more I saw fractures of my own beliefs in them and the more I began to love humanity again. This led to me not nearly doing as much stupid things as I could have at my age, keeping little to no friends and deeper friendships, and coldly cutting out what did not belong in my life due to my beliefs-and unfortunately over a period of time that became my whole family. It’s crazy how much it changes you-but for the better. I began to counsel, volunteer and ultimately try to become who I wanted to be-a helpful person.

And I do not regret it. I feel confident you can too.

If you wouldn’t mind please tell me your thoughts on this strange phenomena. I’d love to see them!

If you feel like digging deeper to strengthen your understanding I personally recommend this Spiritual Guide to help you on your journey!

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